Here are the design I've done recently. The pirates is for lewis, this represents the front view of the cereal and everything. It's basically a rip off of Lewis's layout however I think I neated things up a bit. As for JB he wanted me to storyboard a logo intro for z01, it basically involves particles coming together to create a living entity or creation. The tag line is "Connecting our imaginations" having the particles, each contain a unique information and then joining with another and another to create one massive concious entity, I thought portayed that tagline pretty well. JB says it's awesome so I guess I did something right.
Friday, 18 December 2009
Saturday, 21 November 2009
The MJ Final storyboard
Phew my ars about to fall off. Well this is it my final version I did all this last friday 20th November. In each scene I took into consideration of the lighting, it was inspired by that video I posted earlier. However a problem arose, Virus problem. As I went to go and give the file over to JB via USB he told me that both my USBs have Viruses on them! I couldn't believe it so I had to go home earlier than I usually do and go cleanse them. I got no idea where I got it from so I did a full computer scan on my PC then on the USBs. Thing is though there was no virus to be found on any of them, scanned thm multiple time but...nothing. So I sent JB the file as a zipped format and that was that. So I hope everything is ok now, seriously why do people make viuses anyway.
Well that's it for now I got 2 pitches to do this coming monday so, stay tuned.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
The MJ imitaion?
It has been brought to my attention surprisingly that we are alternating the storyboard a bit again. The book scen has been taken out, for what reason I can't recall but it has been replaced with a Michael Jackson, dance impression. From what I understand this will put more of the laugh factor in the animation, hopefully. So I just now did the storyboards in rough to show how everything will take place. I'll post it on the Dummy website and see how JB feels about it. My inspiration for the dance is in the Youtube clip below, enjoy.
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Some new Concepts
Hey guys, the concept for the artist is finally complete. The third picture from the top was me brainstorming some facials of possible artists. I was thinking would they be fat, slim, short, tall, white, black, asian the list goes on. However JB seem to like the artist with the afro, he said I should make him look like Smauel. L. Jackson from Pulp Fiction. So I started drawing him for a little bit. I didn't recieve any advice on the clothing he should wear, so I decided to go for a Dashiki. A couple of days later JB said to make him look like Eddie Griffin and someone from the Black Panthers (can't remember his name). I asked him about the complexion and he said his own, so that gave me an idea to try and blend both his and Eddie's facial features together. The Art style JB was looking for was the Star Wars Clone Wars kind of look. It has that well defined harp edge look to it. Had a little trouble with it first but I staring to get the hang of it I think.
Well that's it for now, the "T" poses will coming along shortly and some coloured ones as well. I also got to do an office design for Lewis's group too, so stay tuned.
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
The Final Storyboard! And a concept
Finally, this is the final storyboard. These are gonna be used as a back up animatic for our Dummy project. They took me quite a while to do since there are so many, I still have about at least 20 to go! But that's cool, should be done by the end of today hopefully, but feel as though my right hand will drop off at any minute. Anyways I wanted to take into consideration the lighting that will be involved in the environment, which is the moon. I have this vision in my head, that the lighting will create this sort of magical, romantic world for both the dummies. I hope that we'll be able to pull that off some how because when I know nothing about lighting when it comes to Maya. They may even come a time that I'll need to install Maya 10 or 9, but I'll cross that road when I get there, I've got other things to worry about. Not musch to say on this, except that I hope these images portray what it is that I'm trying to put across to my colleagues and tutors. More coming soon, hopefully an animatic. Peace!
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Well these are some of the new samples I've done, recently. It used to end with the male dummy giving out his heart but things, have changed. It now ends with the two in a awkward position, after the malle dummy tries to make her laugh by doing things. Anyways Dave a tutor who looked at our story says that in needs more involvement with the male dummy, more emotional I think he meant. During this discussion JB said that that was what he had in his original idea, so we're now putting back that family picture, but now also the PC plays a role. Since he's a tabulous rasa (I think that's how its spelt) he sees a screen saver of multiple pictures of the artist and his fiancee. He sees the couple lovingly together, a diamond ring and a check, during this the dummy begins to feel what he sees, companionship. So as he looks away from the screen and sits down on the edge of the table he bows his head in depression, because he looks around at the large space around him and he ralises that he's alone.
That small part is a prelude to the main part of the story. Hopefully with this, the audience will get a better understanding of why, the dummy does what he is doing. Another topic I want to adress is the Pirates of the Produce Aisle, I haven't been given any word on what to do, so I'll take the initiative, and draw something. There's gonna be some more concepts coming your way, stay tuned.
Saturday, 17 October 2009
A little modification
I don't know If I've said this already but just in case. There ending has changed a little, after speaking with Dan Dalli he said that the ending was a bit cliche'd (I think that's how it's spelt) so we ended up with the male Dummy entertaining the female one by making an ass of himself. So J.B says after messing with the coin why not make him do a backflip and mess himself up a little. After that she'll come off the box to see if he's ok and then it looks like they'reabout to kiss but then the owner comes back in and they have to play lifeless again. Fade to black. My duty now is to tighten up the storyboard a bit, and draw out the conclusion of it. Things are beginning to progress smoothly, I think. Oh and I have to do some office concepts like a mood board some reference pics, and concepts. The art shop design has been dropped, thank God. An office design will definitely be easier.
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
The new, The Old and The Thumbnails
Phew! ok here's most of the concepts that I've done so far. What you see here first of all is the rough thumbnails I did for our new story, you remember the new story right? Well that's five pages worth of it, didn't want to print out all that would be far too much. It took a little deviation from the way JB told us on Facebook or Dummy website, one of the two anyways. the synopsis was posted at 8pm on monday, but I didn't know it until yesterday aftrnoon after the thumbnails were done. I put a box for the females position or tower of power, after looking at The Incredibles clip I thought that it would be a good element in there. After all women do seem like to have the power of control these days, (that was sexist wasn't it?) Anyway after drawing the items that the male brings to her, I thought that each item represented something about his character. For instance that encyclopedia represents that he's knowledgable about things, the watch symbolises that he's punctual and on time and the £1 coin, represents that he's rich. The heart...was JBs idea but I think it means a willingness to emote and openess. Man that lecture really inspired me on monday.
Right the designs, are self explanatory, but for the sake of this blog I shall elaborate. The nicely, bight coloured versions represent when they were new and shiny, the dull dark colouring one represent them old and withered out. That's about it, although I don't know if we'll be using the old or new models in the production process, guess we'll wait and see. Next up shall be the layout of the art shop designs and accessories from the old synopsis idea. Even though we're not doing it anymore, I still think it's nice to show my art work. So until then peace out!
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