Phew my ars about to fall off. Well this is it my final version I did all this last friday 20th November. In each scene I took into consideration of the lighting, it was inspired by that video I posted earlier. However a problem arose, Virus problem. As I went to go and give the file over to JB via USB he told me that both my USBs have Viruses on them! I couldn't believe it so I had to go home earlier than I usually do and go cleanse them. I got no idea where I got it from so I did a full computer scan on my PC then on the USBs. Thing is though there was no virus to be found on any of them, scanned thm multiple time but...nothing. So I sent JB the file as a zipped format and that was that. So I hope everything is ok now, seriously why do people make viuses anyway.
Well that's it for now I got 2 pitches to do this coming monday so, stay tuned.
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