Phew! ok here's most of the concepts that I've done so far. What you see here first of all is the rough thumbnails I did for our new story, you remember the new story right? Well that's five pages worth of it, didn't want to print out all that would be far too much. It took a little deviation from the way JB told us on Facebook or Dummy website, one of the two anyways. the synopsis was posted at 8pm on monday, but I didn't know it until yesterday aftrnoon after the thumbnails were done. I put a box for the females position or tower of power, after looking at
The Incredibles clip I thought that it would be a good element in there. After all women do seem like to have the power of control these days, (that was sexist wasn't it?) Anyway after drawing the items that the male brings to her, I thought that each item represented something about his character. For instance that encyclopedia represents that he's knowledgable about things, the watch symbolises that he's punctual and on time and the £1 coin, represents that he's rich. The heart...was JBs idea but I think it means a willingness to emote and openess. Man that lecture really inspired me on monday.
Right the designs, are self explanatory, but for the sake of this blog I shall elaborate. The nicely, bight coloured versions represent when they were new and shiny, the dull dark colouring one represent them old and withered out. That's about it, although I don't know if we'll be using the old or new models in the production process, guess we'll wait and see. Next up shall be the layout of the art shop designs and accessories from the old synopsis idea. Even though we're not doing it anymore, I still think it's nice to show my art work. So until then peace out!
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