Wednesday 17 February 2010

The Big Ass Torch

This is the big ass Torch that Lewis wants. Tried basing it on the rfence image I showed you back in the previous post. I started of with a cylinder then I extruded the front of it and I scaled the front. The circular was already provided for me. Here you can see the rideges that I made.
The profile view of the torch. The ridges was a tedious pain, even though J.B showed me a quicker way to make the ridges, which was basically to just duplicate the whole torch then cut away the peicesyou don't need, it was way too fiddly to put into place.
So I had to do it the old fashion way, long but not nessacarily hard either, here you casn see the close up of them.
There you have it, I'm pretty pleased with the progress that I done today. Jus have to put in and on and off switch, a couple of screws here and there and I'm hopefully done. Stay tuned!

Dohnuts A-hoy!

A relatively short post today. This the jug that I did, something to make the table look a lot more...well not plain and empty.

This is the dohnut box, it's a box with dohnuts in it. Lewis wanted it white so that it looks like the crispy cream dohnuts. I was gonna make them pink but, the orange looked so pretty, jst imagine them as glazed dohunts.....mmmm.

Umm this is a cup with the miniature dohnut on the rim, don't ask me where it came from I modelled it before I made the glazed dohnuts. However I think it's a nice touch, gives the guard a sort of a laid back, creative, gluttonous dohnut eater.

And this is how the table looks in all it's glory. It looks a little plain to me still, however I don't know if much modelling will be going on in this room. Lewis told me that the begining of the aniation is going through some changes and the end as well. The office may not even be shown in the animatic anymore!! Lord give me strength. Anyway I have a big ass torch to model (scroll to top) and at least I'll be credited for it and it will be useful for my portfolio.

Thursday 11 February 2010

Well here it is, finally the occlusion! This is all the pics of the security gards office. So far it's quite plain, not enough of stuff in there. So I'll add some accessories like sticky notes, files, a jug oh and a keyboard that Lewis is howling me for. So yeah, more work needs doing, especially since I've now taken on the the role of creating the guards, big ass, big papa torch. Anyways stay tuned, peace!

Monday 1 February 2010

Post, Boyz!

This is the begining of the head, It's pretty basic so far so, there's not much to say about it. Got a little nose poking out there. Yay.
Ok while Lewis took a little handle on it, we got this sort of african chant mask going on here. Most of this was done in perspective view. Still, more work needed to be done.
This is the stage it's at now, the face has been built a bit more thanks to Lewis's help, but now I must sort out those nasty vertices. I'm having trouble mirroring it because, the vies that I put the model in is all messed up. Like in the side view for instance, the models facing forwards. Damn it!
Here is smoothed. Yup.
Right this is the security gurads office so far. Lewis told that he wanted doors. DOORS!? Man if told me in the begining....whatever, anyways I got the doors done with him giving me input on how he'd like them to be.
I also added a door frame...sweet.
I thought the last plant was, thought it was meant to look cartooney was just rediculous. So I re-did it and I used some refernce on dead plants.
Lewis didn't want all the leaves to look the same, he wanted them to look different, som twisted, some with holes, othere small etc. It was boring but I'm happy with it.
This is the biggest one (obviously) and Lewis was going for this skottie young with all the twists and turns. That's what I've accomplished today,stay tuned for more, peace!