A relatively short post today. This the jug that I did, something to make the table look a lot more...well not plain and empty.

This is the dohnut box, it's a box with dohnuts in it. Lewis wanted it white so that it looks like the crispy cream dohnuts. I was gonna make them pink but, the orange looked so pretty, jst imagine them as glazed dohunts.....mmmm.

Umm this is a cup with the miniature dohnut on the rim, don't ask me where it came from I modelled it before I made the glazed dohnuts. However I think it's a nice touch, gives the guard a sort of a laid back, creative, gluttonous dohnut eater.

And this is how the table looks in all it's glory. It looks a little plain to me still, however I don't know if much modelling will be going on in this room. Lewis told me that the begining of the aniation is going through some changes and the end as well. The office may not even be shown in the animatic anymore!! Lord give me strength. Anyway I have a big ass torch to model (scroll to top) and at least I'll be credited for it and it will be useful for my portfolio.
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