This is the big ass Torch that Lewis wants. Tried basing it on the rfence image I showed you back in the previous post. I started of with a cylinder then I extruded the front of it and I scaled the front. The circular was already provided for me. Here you can see the rideges that I made.

The profile view of the torch. The ridges was a tedious pain, even though J.B showed me a quicker way to make the ridges, which was basically to just duplicate the whole torch then cut away the peicesyou don't need, it was way too fiddly to put into place.

So I had to do it the old fashion way, long but not nessacarily hard either, here you casn see the close up of them.

There you have it, I'm pretty pleased with the progress that I done today. Jus have to put in and on and off switch, a couple of screws here and there and I'm hopefully done. Stay tuned!
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