The story starts with our artist dummy standing, still and unused on his owners desk. The artist finishes work for the day and gets up to leave the room, however he suddenly remembers that he has one remaining thing to do. He pulls another dummy from his bag, and places it on the desk next to his original dummy. The new dummy is a she, a girl dummy.
When the artist leaves the room the male dummy suddenly leaps off his stand and looks at his new femail companion in wonder and excitement. The female dummy gets off her stand daintily. She looks around in haughty disdain and regards her new male companion with something akin to disgust. The male dummy rushes to give her a hug but she pushes him aside in disgust, she pushes him aside and he lands on his butt.
He looks around and notices a shiney object on the desk, a beautiful shiney, chrome ball paperweight. He runs to it and picks it up and runs to his new dummy friend. She looks at him and his new object in dainty disdain. She pushes it from his hands and looks away. He looks around again and notices a big crystal vase on the side of the desk, full of roses. He runs and grabs one, snaps off a really long stem and runs to her. She doesn’t even look at him, and pushes the rose away. He looks non-plussed and a little hurt, as much as a dummy with no face can look hurt and confused that is.
He is about to walk away but notices light glinting off a scalpel. He picks it up and crouches over in the darkness in one corner of the desk. He digs the scalpel deep and carves out a shape. Suddenly he gets up and walks up his new female friend. She looks at him and then the heart shaped chunk of wood that he hands her. She looks at his chest and notices that he is missing matching piece, she looks at the piece in her hand, turns it over, shakes it and then looks at him now more slightly happy than she was before. She then waves to him to join her.
Fade to black.
I spoke to JB on this, I believe he's taking the audiences comprehension into consideration. He wasn't sure if the audience would get the whole loneliness concept. So he went for something that's beens seen before and the audience would go away feeling like they understood everything. I for one do hope this is the last, we must press onwards we're already behind schedule a bit.