I had mentioned in my previous post (if I haven't I am now) that I would be using a motion curve to help with the basic path that the guard will take. It seemed to work, he and the scooter was following it perfectly. However maya decided bite my ass once again.

See this? the gaurd isn't even in his seat and any adjustments I try to make to him, like leaing in the opposite direction, he would just return to his default position or not follw the scooter anymore. It makes no sense since he and the scooter was both parented to the line in the first place, so why he won't follow is beyond me.
So I had to do it the hard way which is the way I did it before.
I had to key frame at the end of the path and then go to the starting point and animate while the scooter and guard made their way to the point. The good thing is I have more control now, as it's shown in the vid. However THIS IS THE MOST FUSRATING ANIMATION I'VE DONE! just getting the guard to stay in his seat is a real be-otch because he would either get left behind, go past the scooter or his fat back would phase though the seat. However that said the big movements are do now, I only hope that the worst has past. I should have this done by monday or tuesday. Stay tuned.
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