This is the update so far, needs more work though. Let me knowhow I can improve it.
Sunday, 30 May 2010
shot 06
This is one of the shots I animated apart from the camera movement. Everyone else did the texturing, lighting etc. I'm very happy with how this turned out because this shot gave me hell as well. Also this isn't even the final shot it has no occlusion, so when it does it, I imagine it will be a real "jizz in my pants" moment.
Shot 42 re-animating part 2
This is another progress I've done. Here it's showing me animating the guard on the scooters movements. Even though the scooter is supposed to have drifting in it, it's movements are a bit to flowery in movement. It needs to have sharper turns as id zig zags from letf to right. The same rule applies as always, I'll be animating the gaurds movements afterwards.
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Tomorrows hand in
Monday, 24 May 2010
Shot 42 re-animating

This is a real pain in the ass, the deadline for this animation is this wednesday and it's monday today. I highly doubt I'll get it done by then. This scene was originally wider, however I've now actually been given an environment and it's a lot narrower. So I have to reposition the animation, not easy. This is the first attempt which is pretty cack, so I'll just concntrate on the scooter and work from there. I'm getting a little bit more comfortable with the graph editor though.
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Shot 34 Stress!!!!
Man been working on this all day trying to make the fingers look right. Today I realised that even though fingers are easy to move, to make it look believeable especially when someone is completely scared completely out of their mind, is a very hard thing to do. Dunno if Lewis will be satisfied with this, if not I'll attempt it later. What a crappy day.
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
It's been a little while
It's been a while since the casper scream... I think. Anyway just here to post up a couple of shots and that will be that for now. This shot above is the scene where the guard is about to drive up to the cereal again. After all that's happened.
Here is the part where the guard is all banged up from his struggle with the pirates.
Thursday, 13 May 2010
It is complete
Lewis gave me a little example, for this shot, he told me to take a look at Casper the movie. There's a scene in there where the guy that plays the president from independance day, gets scared and freaked out gradually as he sees a ghost. So following that, I came up with this.
He (Lewis) also told me to animate the fingers aswell.
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
atahings are getting heavy
Things are starting to get meore intense now. The animations need to done ASAP, lew told me that we have to try and get all of it done by next monday. Over half of it is already done, and I don't think the quality needs to ba absolutely flawless but, good enough. Anyway this shot is done with. Onto the next animations.
Monday, 10 May 2010
The torch hell is finally over
Lewis did the camera shot for this as well as slow down the animation a bit, to match his liking. Now time to get with the other animations. Apparently I have 4 more to do, and all animations need to be done for next monday. Yikes!
Friday, 7 May 2010
Man never before have I been so pissed with a piece of animation before, in my life! Just so many redoin and redoin and so forth. And after so many redoing It then gets brought to my attention that the torch isn't supposed to have 3 bounces and that it shouldn't bounce so far but neare to the middle. Sigh...I wouldn't expect anyone to get it, basically it was a real stressful day, you fix one part of the animation, something else changes and you can slightly see it and it bothers you like that itch you get when you don't wipe your ass properly. These are the results of my animation. I did the best I could with it.
Another update on this. If you look at the previouse 2 plays, you will see that the torch stays still then mysteriously, starts moving on its own so I managed to fix it though. Looks better.
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Drive up progress 1

This is my first attempt where the guard goes staright into awe. This is the one Lewis preferred, to my surprise. The second is underneath.
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
The Torch and accessories
I finally managed to input the accessories...yay.
Here's the update on the torch roll.
Dodge Progress final
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Dodge Progress 3

See this? the gaurd isn't even in his seat and any adjustments I try to make to him, like leaing in the opposite direction, he would just return to his default position or not follw the scooter anymore. It makes no sense since he and the scooter was both parented to the line in the first place, so why he won't follow is beyond me.
So I had to do it the hard way which is the way I did it before.
I had to key frame at the end of the path and then go to the starting point and animate while the scooter and guard made their way to the point. The good thing is I have more control now, as it's shown in the vid. However THIS IS THE MOST FUSRATING ANIMATION I'VE DONE! just getting the guard to stay in his seat is a real be-otch because he would either get left behind, go past the scooter or his fat back would phase though the seat. However that said the big movements are do now, I only hope that the worst has past. I should have this done by monday or tuesday. Stay tuned.
Friday, 30 April 2010
Melon Dodge progress 1
Man this has to be the most trickiest shot I've ever done up till now. I'll hopefully have it done by next tuesday. It's just that there are so many elements to consider. In this little demo I wanted to add a sort of "Shakey Jake" kind of thing goin on with the guard, like he wobbles like jelly. Lord give me strength!
Torch Roll

Wednesday, 28 April 2010
More scare progress...
Here's the progress so far, the shaking is too much so it needs to be morer finer. Also Ash gave me some items to animate with in this sot so in the next post you'll be seeing that. Not much to say here, stay tuned for the next post.
This is the progress I made even more. For those who dont know this cam shot will only hold for 3 second approximately. He's still shaking with fear only that the focus will no longer be on the guard but on the torh that guides the audiences eyes towards the cereal satnd in the background.
Monday, 26 April 2010
The action cam!
A little joke here, I tried to get the same camera movemant from the animatic but I accidentally made a shaky cam instead, still good fun though. Lewis is happy with the guards animation. I have to do him scared now.
Lookin around progress 2
This is another one from the original, a few more tweaks have been put in to this, don't know if you'll notice any but the eyebrows, blinks and the pupils dart around more. Last time it looked as though he was tracking something with his eyes.
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Lookin around progress 1
This is my firts attempt at the guard animation, I really like that suspicious look he has as he turns to the side, still loads more work to be done though. Sigh, I highly doubt we'll get this film done, at least to the standards we want, we are on a tight schedule here and there have been too many set backs. However we'll see how it goes.
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
A little more progress
Progress so far, after learning more about the controls, I made is back arch more and his foot support his weight when he lifts the melon. I was thinkng that Patches should take the effort to bing the melon up higher to show his struggle, however regarding the time that this shot lasts which is I'm assuming isn't long, 2 1/2 sec I'd say; it would be too ambitious.
Still doing the main block out a little shuff goin on in there.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
The Melon Pick up progress 1
I suppose you know how I work by now start with big block out movements, then work my way in finessing. I'll say this, the rigging on patches is F.U.B.A.R (f'd up beyond all recognition) he can't walk only shuffle, his arms bend for no reason like Flubber and he has no upper torso control. So I'm literally forced to animate him like he's lifting up like Robocop, heh heh it's so funny. Anyway stay tuned.
Monday, 19 April 2010
Dummy is no more.
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Coin Flip Progress 1...

The fisrt thingI did is to choose 2 points on where the first part of the animation phase begins and ends. Then I work to produce the first part which is the step. After acting it out, he must drop his weight near the edge of the coin to flip it, the tweaks showing this comes later. As withh all the previous animations, I work on the big movents first and then the smaller movements afterwards, tweaking is last on the list.
So far...
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Sitting Angry progress 1
Another animation progress. This takes place after the male dummy laughs at the female dummy, after the paper aeroplane hit's her in the head. This was a itch in the ass, where the folding of the arms were concerned, also for some reason the maya software became unresposive, after a simple movement of the limbs. However I managed to get it in the end. Still though more tweaking to be done.
UPDATE: I made some little adujustments in movement such as the head tilting back a little more to show, a more fed up, sighing attitude. Also her upper torso moves away more, plus her lower torso moves away as well, she is pivots on her bottom. To show this her legs lift slightly away from the box. Thibk it might near be done, it's only supposed to last 2 1/2 to 3 seconds long.
Monday, 12 April 2010
Dummy laugh near completion!
These are the animations far. People have sais that they are very good.
Friday, 9 April 2010
Lighting Testing

Dummy Laugh New!
This is the new laugh that is in deveopment stages. Again I'm focusing on big movements.
UPDATE: This is the step close up included, in the laugh animation.
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Progress of Dummy Laugh
This is my first attempt at doing the animation for J.B. It's about time we started on this, man! The way I'm approaching this animation that goes from a laugh to a giggle, is to start on the big movements first. From here I started from the upper chest area using the rotation tool on it's "Y" axis.
Then I did the head next. It's not written in stone but maybe I should gone for the lower body, next. Oh well whatever. Got me thinking though, for such a simple movement that we do naturally and on instinct, there's a lot of thought process that goes into animation. Like how may times and how far back does he rock backwards and forwards, how low and how many times does he drop his body, etc. This is the first time I used J.B's dummy model, it ain't to bad however I don't know why the legs also get affected when I select the lower pelvis.
UPDATE: News just in it looks like sh*t to everyone else. I need reference to show laughing, this animation looks like he's puking hard or doin a forced blow job, according to J.B. I need some references.
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Walker Blend Shapes 3 UPDATE
Walker Blend Shapes 3

Friday, 2 April 2010
Walker Blend Shapes 2

Judging from the previous close up of the pouting, the corners of the mouth was pulled in a lot more this time.
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Walker Blend Shapes

Monday, 29 March 2010
Walk Test

Yo guys this is my first walk cycle, which I haven't done in a loooong time. It's quite basic and robotic at the moment, however so unless it's a robot its in need of some major tweaking. The animation is based upon the personality of Walker, for the pirates group. Though we never see him walk, this is a test to try and get a feel for his character since I will be animating him. Not much to say on this one, just gotta drill through this.
In other news I have to give people shots to do instead of letting them choose. Personally I think the latter will make things go faster, but if J.B says 'You don't let people choose shots, it's the director's responsability to give it to them. That's how it's sone in the real world.' Then J.B's will be done.