Saturday, 21 November 2009

The MJ Final storyboard

Phew my ars about to fall off. Well this is it my final version I did all this last friday 20th November. In each scene I took into consideration of the lighting, it was inspired by that video I posted earlier. However a problem arose, Virus problem. As I went to go and give the file over to JB via USB he told me that both my USBs have Viruses on them! I couldn't believe it so I had to go home earlier than I usually do and go cleanse them. I got no idea where I got it from so I did a full computer scan on my PC then on the USBs. Thing is though there was no virus to be found on any of them, scanned thm multiple time but...nothing. So I sent JB the file as a zipped format and that was that. So I hope everything is ok now, seriously why do people make viuses anyway.
Well that's it for now I got 2 pitches to do this coming monday so, stay tuned.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

The MJ imitaion?

It has been brought to my attention surprisingly that we are alternating the storyboard a bit again. The book scen has been taken out, for what reason I can't recall but it has been replaced with a Michael Jackson, dance impression. From what I understand this will put more of the laugh factor in the animation, hopefully. So I just now did the storyboards in rough to show how everything will take place. I'll post it on the Dummy website and see how JB feels about it. My inspiration for the dance is in the Youtube clip below, enjoy.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Some new Concepts

Hey guys, the concept for the artist is finally complete. The third picture from the top was me brainstorming some facials of possible artists. I was thinking would they be fat, slim, short, tall, white, black, asian the list goes on. However JB seem to like the artist with the afro, he said I should make him look like Smauel. L. Jackson from Pulp Fiction. So I started drawing him for a little bit. I didn't recieve any advice on the clothing he should wear, so I decided to go for a Dashiki. A couple of days later JB said to make him look like Eddie Griffin and someone from the Black Panthers (can't remember his name). I asked him about the complexion and he said his own, so that gave me an idea to try and blend both his and Eddie's facial features together. The Art style JB was looking for was the Star Wars Clone Wars kind of look. It has that well defined harp edge look to it. Had a little trouble with it first but I staring to get the hang of it I think.

Well that's it for now, the "T" poses will coming along shortly and some coloured ones as well. I also got to do an office design for Lewis's group too, so stay tuned.