Some interesting developments has taken place. Team dummy has decided to change the story again! Hopefully this will be the last time. We still have the dance in there, since J.B really is really crazy about it. The reason it chnaged is because Mu Li really wasn't satisfied with the "flow" of the story, personally I just want to get this project done. So J.B says that Mu Li and I should sort that out together, so we went in deciding each sequence, camera shot and angles. I had to draw each shot out expalaining the sequence, plus come up with a new dance. The storyboard is finally done and I've sent links to my fellow comrades for them to choose a sequence that they would like to handle.
Rumours has been flowing around me lately, my colleagues saying:
Colleague: 'Neil is director!!'
Neil: 'I ain't.'
Colleague 2: 'Seriously mate. You are.'
Neil: 'Aaarrrghhhh!!!!'
Get the point? So Dan dalli says that I am the director since I decide and draw out the shots that the audience will see. Jeeze, anyway in other news I've done some animation practice. It's been ages since I did any so don't be surprised if it looks shite, it's actions are based on Lewis's Walker character.
Here's an explanation of the sequence:
Sequence 1: The film fades in and we hear the artist working on his computer, at this moment the camera slowly zooms back until the male dummy is in view. Then artist stops typing and we hear him turning his PC off and walking out the room. During this the camera will rotate clockwise 180 behind the dummy, the last sound the audience will hear is the door closing.
The dummy will jump off from his pedestal and take a look at the photograph, the poster and then the photo again. He looks to the left and right and realises he is all alone, he sits at the edge of the desk, camera zooms out birds eye view and fade out.
Sequence 2: The next day the audience enters a time lapse. During this we see things moving about over the period of the day until it becomes night time again. We see a box appear.
Sequence 3: The box shakes and the flap opens up above. The female dummy pokes her head out looking around and climbs out. Cut to the male dummy noticing her and he begins to try and get her attention by wiggling about. Cut to the female looking across at him and then breaks the fourth wall by turning to the screen and shaking her head.
Sequence 4: Cut to male stop shaking and jumping off his pedestal. He walks over to her as she sits there on the box. The male dummy looks at some papers on the desk, makes a paper aeroplane and throws it at her. She acts in annoyance as the male dummy laughs and tries to stop when he realises when it wasn't a good idea.
Sequence 5: The female dummy pouts crosses her arms and turns away. The male dummy hangs his head in shame and notices a coin. He flips it up and begins to roll and balance the coin like a basketball over his arms. He quickly loses control and it drops on the floor. He goes into a flexing pose to make it look like it was on purpose, but she turns away again.
Sequence 6: He looks down again, fustrated he kicks the coin and it rolls onto the wacom tablet, making a line on the screen. Cut to the female dummy looks towards the screen. The male dummy takes a step and a foot print appears on screen. Cut to female looking even more interested.
Sequence 7: He looks back at the female and raises his eyebrows up and down. He takes 2 big steps on the wacom and cut to 2 prints appear on screen. He starts to dance side to side as more prints appear. We are then shown a variety of quick cuts of close ups of the legs dancing, the prints appearing on screen and the feamale dummy looking entertained.
Sequence 8: Camera cuts to a birds eye view of male dummy spinning and the camera spinning in opposite rotation to give a "disco fever" kind of feel. Cut to low angle shot of male dummy sliding towards and over the camera only to fall over the edge of the wacom tablet and hit his head on the desk.
Sequence 9: The female dummy jumps down from the box. Cut to first person view of male dummy looking up at the female dummy extending her arm out to him. Cut to mid shot of the male dummy taking her hand and getting up. The screen in the background shows the hear with the arrow across it. Fade out.